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Building Resilience

Building Resilience

16 Instructional Hours

Learn to transform stress and high-pressure environments into a growth experience. Re-program your cognitive reactions to be activated at the time when you need them the most. Let’s develop some resilience!!

It is not uncommon for any of us to come across highly volatile and complex situations. Today all of us and our businesses, are surviving in one of the most difficult times in history. To embrace this change, to lead and support, it is important to build a strong foundation. Leaders can be created, Strengths can be developed and Reactions can be designed. This program will help you in unlocking the key strengths that can help you in not only building new strengths, but also in improving your vision, courage, character, and ability to lead and generate results in the most volatile and complex of situations. 

In this program you will learn to

  • Find out the causes of pressure around you and the abilities you already possess to deal with them
  • Understand the choices you have, while being bombarded with issues.
  • Practice making more resilient choices for a week of structured progress
  • Experience the core skill of Active Awareness and begin to practice the discipline of Mindfulness
  • Learn to carry more energy through the week by reducing waste and improving your ability to recover
  • Choose the mental ‘game film’ that supports your ability to be at your best
  • Appropriately focus your priorities to reduce ‘noise’
  • Pay attention to the right things under pressure and eliminate ‘choking’

Who should attend

Leaders and Executives of all levels, from any industry


2 days


2 weeks




Under 30 students


Instructor led


$1999, plus HST

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